What is the role of silicon barium inoculant

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Silicon-barium inoculant is a kind of agent that can promote graphitization, reduce the white tendency, improve the shape and distribution of graphite, increase the number of eutectic aggregates, and refine the matrix structure. It has a good effect in a short time after inoculation (about 5-8 minutes).

Silicon-barium inoculant is mainly used in inoculant of nodular cast iron and gray cast iron. Silica-barium inoculant strongly increases the graphitized core, refines graphite, promotes A-type graphite in gray cast iron, improves strength, and for nodular cast iron can make graphite in nodular iron fine, round, and improve the nodularization grade. Strong resistance to recession, while preventing the associated spheroidization decline. The sensitivity of wall thickness is small and the structure is uniform. Significantly reduce the white tendency, reduce the relative hardness, and improve the machining performance of castings. It is used as inoculant and nodulator in the cast iron industry.
Silicon-barium inoculant
can effectively reduce the supercooling degree of hot metal, promote the precipitation of graphite, significantly reduce the white tendency, reduce the relative hardness, and improve the machining performance of castings. The anti-recession ability is strong, the anti-recession time is twice that of 75 silicon, and the amount of silicon-barium inoculant is lower than half that of 75 ferrosilicon inoculant, while preventing the associated nodularization decline.
Moreover, the chemical composition is stable, the processing particle size is uniform, and the composition and quality deviation are small.
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